Near Rochester, NY 14619
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX735SDHZ01 Sr#7724973709 Found no power to ice maker door switches are good. Called tech line and found the harness on icemaker is loose at ice maker. Replaced icemaker again due to loose neutral connection. Ordering harness; ordrng 1 W10884720 (harns-wire)
Near Brockport, NY 14420
Dave L
Job Details: 05/31/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4816FW The fault code displays F0E0 indicating "no fault." Unit should operate properly.
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFT2776FEZ00 Replaced fresh food evaporator and dye drier for low charge. The refrigerator tested good ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 WPW10143759 DRIER-UV DYE
Near Rochester, NY 14612
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT351SFYF00 Ordering start device for compressor not starting all the time. ; ordrng 1 WPW10194431 (start-dev)
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT511SZDM99 Installed missing nameplate. The freezer was accumulating frost near door. Caulked frame where liner meets cabinet and adjusted door for better seal.
Near Churchville, NY 14428
Job Details: 05/31/2019
RANGE KITCHENAID KSDG950ESS0 Found runaway temps and sensor error codes in diagnostics. Ordering main control. Found stuck key error code. Ordering ui. ; rqstng P&A on 1 W10915031 (panl-cntrl) and 1 W11100515 (cntrl-elec)
Near Hilton, NY 14468
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS321SDHZ01 The freezer evap was full of frost preventing the unit from cooling. Found open thermistor on diagnostics. The thermistor tested good at the thermistor. Pushed all the wires in at the connections. Defrosted evaporator and tested thermistor again in diagnostics and it now passed. Customer is going to monitor.
Near Rochester, NY 14621
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFF2558VEW7 Customer need coils cleaned. The front of the coils were already cleaned. Cleaned coils best i could. The refrigerator tested good. Tapped light switch and it turned on. ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 WPW10503278 ADC - JAZZ
Near Scottsville, NY 14546
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MSS26C6MFW02 "Unit would not dispense ice. Ice was in ice maker upon arrival. Unit would not harvest nor fill in diagnostics. Replaced ice maker, same issue present. Ice bucket detection switch & ice maker power switch tested good. Suspecting a bad control. Tech line agent agrees. Ordering control.SR:77249757512; ordrng 1 W11125431 (CONTROL )"
Near North Chili, NY 14514
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFI2570FEW01 Found no power to ice maker. Reset power then power is at ice maker. Found fill tube full of ice preventing ice production. Removed ice and replaced water valve. The filter cover was broken during repair. Ordering filter cover For mail out only; ordrng 1 WP67006331 (cover-filt MAIL OUT ONLY)
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details: 05/31/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD75HEFW0 Unit was squeaking while in use. Replaced rollers. Unit testing good.; used 1 4392067 (REPAIR KIT) from stock
Near Rochester, NY 14623
Job Details: 05/31/2019
DISHWASHER GE GLDA696MSS Replaced door latch. Unit testing good.
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Dave F
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR AMANA ARB2557CSR Water is leaking from the water valve . Ordering new water valve WP12544002; ordrng 1 WP12544002 (valve-inlt)
Near Victor, NY 14564
Dave F
Job Details: 05/31/2019
OVEN KITCHENAID KOSE500ESS00 Checked temperatures on oven . Found that the unit was set to Celsius degrees and customer meant to cook in Fahrenheit . Ran unit to 350 . Checked temperatures . Tested good .
Near Webster, NY 14580
Dave F
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF606ESS00 Ice maker not working . Ran in diagnostics . There was an ice maker error code E2 motor lost position. Ran icemaker in harvest mode . Did not working . Ordering new ice maker WPW10764668; ordrng 1 WPW10764668 (ice maker)
Near Farmington, NY 14425
Dave F
Job Details: 05/31/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW6700TW1 Replaced drain pump due to no operation and not draining water . Tested unit in auto diagnostics. Tested good .
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Dave F
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL ET1CHKXKT01 Ice maker not making ice . Cycle unit found poor water flow coming to ice maker . Closed self tapper on water line and reopened . Now has better water flow . Refrigerator running a little hot . Found the condenser coils were plugged cleaned coils in front and back of unit .
Near Phelps, NY 14532
Dave F
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF540CWBM01 Freezer evaporator was frozen . Found the evaporator fan is not working . Checked power to fan has power needs new fan . Ordering fan W11024089; ordrng 1 W11024089 (motor-evap)
Near Shortsville, NY 14548
Dave F
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT518SZFM00 Fan blade is loose and will not tighten on motor . Glued the fan blade to the shaft of the motor . Temporary fix .Ordering new motor W11127829 and blade W11204896 ; ordrng 1 W11127829 (motor-cond) and 1 W11204896 (blade-fan)
Near Webster, NY 14580
Dave F
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFF707ESS01 Fresh food evap frozen up . Tested RC and FC both passed . Changed defrost from adaptive to timer . Defrosted unit . Secure thermistor on fresh food evap and foil taped it . Checked gaskets they make sure they are sealing .checked evap fans both tested good . Sealed cabinet. Called techline SR 7724976803 documented service . Tested unit . Tested good .
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Dave F
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MBF2258XEQ1 "Freezer not defrosting. Tested thermistors in freshfood and freezer good . Tested defrost thermostat. Tested good to ohms . Tested heater for ohms tested good replaced jazz board . Has power going to thermostat. Couldn't tested heater in diagnostics. Thermostat was to warm . Defrosted evaporator. As defrosted unit found that drain tube was not draining . Replaced drain tube with W10619951 under special project S38253 .Customer will monitor; used 1 W10619951 (TUBE-DRAIN), and 1 WPW10503278 (ADC - JAZZ) from stock"
Near Brockport, NY 14420
Job Details: 05/31/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW70HEBW Customer concerned about machine leaking water. Replaced ripped bellow. Unit testing good.
Near Henrietta, NY 14467
Job Details: 05/31/2019
DISHWASHER KENMORE 587.14024200A Added splash Shields that were missing and replaced bottom door gasket that was.cracked for dishwasher leaking.
Near Rochester, NY 14623
Job Details: 05/31/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC565FW1 Unit would not turn on. Replaced control and calibrated; unit testing good.
Near Brockport, NY 14420
Job Details: 05/31/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GB2FHDXWQ05 Drain was frozen over causing water and ice to backup into freezer. Installed drain trap and removed ice build up in freezer. Unit testing good.
Near Rochester, NY 14606
Dave L
Job Details: 05/31/2019
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL MMV1174FZ Replaced microwave door. Unit operates good.
Near Rochester, NY 14606
Dave L
Job Details: 05/31/2019
WASHER AMANA NTW4516FW Installed water pump. Washer tests OK.
Near Rochester, NY 14621
Dave L
Job Details: 05/31/2019
WASHER AMANA NTW4516FW Replaced capacitor. Washer tests OK.; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11175257 CAPACITOR
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details: 05/30/2019
WASHER KENMORE 110.249423 "Customer stating unit will not spin out fully. Upon inspection discovered that clutch is failing and unit is also not agitating correctly due to dog agits being worn. Tech is recommending replacement of gearcase also. Orderings clutch, dog agits and gear case Labor rate of $104.65 still due at time or repair ; ordrng 1 3360629 (GEAR CASE ) and 1 WP8299642 (CLUTCH ) and 1 WP8537434 (CAM AGITATOR ), dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 285753A COUPLING"
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details: 05/30/2019
RANGE WHIRLPOOL WEE750H0HZ1 Customer stated that they could not select functions on keypad. Upon arrival hit glass was displayed on keypad screen. Could not get unit to respond to any commands. Unplugged unit and reset breaker. Left unit off for 15 mins. Flipped breaker plugged unit back in. Unit was still showing hour glass. Called tech line Sr:7724960677Tech line recommended replacement of UI ; ordrng 1 W11290627 (CONSOLE )
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 05/30/2019
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH32519HZ2 "Customer stated that unit was not powering on after light bulb had blown in fixture. Upon inspection discovered that fixture had shorted causing bulb to pop. Ordering replacement bulb fixture ; ordrng 1 WPW10210878 (SOCKET ), dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 2 8206232A BULB"
Near Henrietta, NY 14467
Job Details: 05/30/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW5090JW0 Unit is flashing error code f20 (Heater system failure ) checked resistance at heater. Checked heater for continuity checked resistance from harness to heater. Checked wires for continuityHeated tested good Harness tested good Tech sheet is calling for replacement of ACU ACU is factory order and currently on back order Ordering ACU ; ordrng 1 W11334605 (ACU )
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 05/30/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED8740DW0 Customer stated that unit was squeaking very loudly while tumbling. Upon inspection discovered that rollers were sticking causing noise. Ordering dryer repair kit ; ordrng 1 4392067 (REPAIR KIT )
Near Rochester, NY 14621
Dave F
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF560SEYB05 Freezer evaporator fan is not running. Tested to power to fan has power . Needs new fan ordering WPW10464673; rqstng P&A on 1 WPW10464673 (motor-evap)
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Dave F
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF954CIHZ00 Fresh food evap and freezer evap frosted . Called techline SR7724961554Checked all thermistors they are working . Defrosted fresh food and freezer . Noticed that the door . On the right the hinge does not closes right . Looked at door liner seems to be possible warped and not allowing a good seal . Ordering new right hand door W11129485 and badge W11223753; ordrng 1 W10816323 (hinge-door) and 1 W11129485 (dor-fip) and 1 W11223753 (nameplate)
Near Rochester, NY 14612
Dave L
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFI2570FEZ05 Fill tube split at the top. Ordering new fill tube.; rqstng P&A on 1 67006317 (tube-water)
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Dave L
Job Details: 05/30/2019
FREEZER MAYTAG MQF1656TEW01 Fan iced over. Ordering defrost thermostat and heater.; ordrng 1 DEFROSTHEATER and 1 HEATERTHERMOSTAT
Near Rush, NY 14543
Job Details: 05/30/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDTE104ESS0 "Replaced motor, unit testing good."
Near Rochester, NY 14606
Job Details: 05/30/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW75HEFW0 F3E1 F9E1 stored. Ran auto diagnostics & unit is taking longer than normal to drain. Drain tray was heavily restricted causing the rain pump to fail. Replaced pump unit testing good.
Near Rochester, NY 14621
Job Details: 05/30/2019
DRYER KENMORE 417.804127 "No continuity at the thermal limiter. Replaced, unit testing good."
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Dave L
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS321SDHB01 Customer is concerned with the temperature of the water being too warm and vegetables freezing the the fresh food section. Called tech line to document concerned. SR7724958559Chilled waters is marginal due to a very small tank on the unit and can not be adjusted without causing further problems with items freezing in the fresh food section. Checked airflow around fresh food thermistors. Tech line recommending that the customer ru. The RC at the second setting.
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT541SZHV00 Fresh food 38 and freezer is 2 degrees. Moisture collecting on ceiling of freest food section. Warm air returns are clear. Called thech line sr#7724964399 ordering pressure release in-line and ordering both doors for warm air entering unit cause moisture to accumulate on ff section ceiling; ordrng 1 LW11041496 (BLACK SS FF DOOR) and 1 LW11041497 (BLACK SS FREEZER DOOR) and 1 WP2210509 (releas-vac)
Near Rochester, NY 14616
Job Details: 05/30/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8040DW4 F3E2 F8E1 F0E4 codes on arrival. Unit would not dispense water in manual diagnostics. Replaced valve. Unit testing good.
Near East Rochester, NY 14445
Job Details: 05/30/2019
DRYER ROPER REX4634KQ1 Customer stated that unit would not tumble. Upon inspection discovered belt had broken. Used dryer repair kit to replace all moving parts. Ran test cycle Unit tested good
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL ED2KHAXVB01 Found water filter housing has failed and is not letting water to unit and leaks when filter is taken out. Ordering housing. ; ordrng 1 WPW10121138 (housing)
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KRSC503ESS01 Found the fresh food evaporator is frosted over. Ordering foam fan housing for foam will not come out in one piece. ; ordrng 1 W11098695 (fan-scroll)
Near Rochester, NY 14624
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF989SDAE03 Ordering icemaker and fan for no ice production. Ordering i e bucket for broken release tab. ; rqstng P&A on 1 W10846539 (evaporator fan ) and 1 WPW10347093 (ice container) and 1 WPW10764668 (ice maker)
Near Canandaigua, NY 14424
Dave F
Job Details: 05/30/2019
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH53521HZ2 Replaced control on microwave due to light not turning off when plugged in . Tested unit . Tested good .
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 05/30/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7500GW0 Customer stated that unit was running but shutting off after 10 mins into cycle. Upon inspection discovered error code f6e3 was displayed. (ACU could not hear UI) ran diagnostic cycle. Discovered that UI was intermittently accepting commands when attempting to start cycle. Ordering UI and control ; ordrng 1 W11040279 (UI CHROME SHADOW ) and 1 W11130238 (CONTROL )
Near Victor, NY 14564
Dave F
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS315SNHB00 The doors on the refrigerator were not level . Adjusted legs and door handles . Adjusted right side door . Door is now level.
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Dave F
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MSS26C6MFZ00 Fresh food section freezing up top . Tested unit in diagnostics tested both thermistor tested good . Found the temperatures needed adjusted and the coils in the bottom cleaned . Checked temperatures and were within range . Checked evap not frosting up . Everything tested good .
Near Rochester, NY 14616
Dave L
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR AMANA ABB1921BRW00 Customer concerned with noise during operation. Ran service diagnostics and changed unit to fixed defrost to keep the coil clear. Customer to monitor.
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Dave F
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC302ESS00 Noise when the refrigerator gets closed or is moved . Found that the bladder was hitting the back wall . Inserted foam in between wall and bladder . Refrigerator is not making noise now .
Near Rochester, NY 14612
Dave L
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF954CIHZ00 Freezer door was binding leaving an air gap. Raised door and heated gasket to mold. Door is now shutting properly.
Near Farmington, NY 14425
Dave F
Job Details: 05/30/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF560SAFM2 dishwasher not spraying water found error code F4E3 wash pump failure . Replaced pump . Tested unit in auto diagnostics. Tested good
Near Spencerport, NY 14559
Job Details: 05/30/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WGD5000DW3 "Timer would continue progressing even after the machine is off. Replaced timer, customer monitor."
Near Farmington, NY 14425
Dave F
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF555SDFZ09 Left hand hinge cap not on missing hole that the screw goes into . Tapped hole . Screw for cap works now .
Near North Chili, NY 14514
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR AMANA ASI2175GRS00 Found defrost drain was restricted causing ice build up and leaking from freezer. Removed restriction and the refrigerator tested good.
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFF507ESS01 Replaced fan harness including thermistors for frost build up on fresh food evaporator. Removed all frost and ice. Found ice behind evaporator housing. Removed ice. Fastened defrost thermostat with zip tie and taped with metal tape to prevent it from moving. The refrigerator tested good. ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11033168 HARNESS
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FGHB2866PFJA "Replaced evap fan motor, thermistor and main control for persistent frosting of evaporator. The refrigerator tests good."
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details: 05/30/2019
REFRIGERATOR GE PSS23MGTCWW Replaced heater for not defrosting. The refrigerator tested good. ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 WR51X10101 HEATER and 1 WR55X10942P CONTROL
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 05/30/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB766FW1 Customer stated that unit was not filling with enough water and would not complete full cycle. Upon arrival discovered that drain hose was not hung properly. Rehung hose. This is cause for unit not completing cycle. Checked for error codes no codes were present. Ran diagnostic cycle. Unit completed cycle as it should. Spoke with customer about proper loading and cycle selections to ensure proper setting is used based on Load. Unit itself tested good
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details: 05/29/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL MDB8959SFZ4 "Customer concerned that the unit will not drain completely in a cycle & has to manually drain unit. F3E1 F6E1 F8E2 F8E1 F6E4 upon arrival. Cleared codes then ran diagnostics cycle. Upon completion, F3E1 F8E2 codes reappeared. Sensor should be replaced. ; rqstng P&A on 1 W11084121 (sensor)"
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 05/29/2019
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH32519HT2 Replacing magnetron and capacitor and transformer due to unit producing clicking sound when beginning to run. Replaced all parts unit is still making noise. Discovered that relay on control board for turntable is causing issue. Ordering control ; ordrng 1 W11342846 (CONTROL )
Near Geneva, NY 14456
Dave F
Job Details: 05/29/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED4815EW1 "Dryer not turning on . Found thermal fuse is blown . Tested heater element. Tested bad is grounded . Ordering parts for repair. Rollers are worn out as well .; ordrng 1 279816 (thermal cut off hi) and 1 279838 (element,heater) and 1 4392065 (dryer repair kit) and 1 WP3387134 (thrmst-fix) and 1 WP3392519 (thermal fuse) and 1 WP3977767 (thrmst-fix)"
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 05/29/2019
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH31017AS3 "Found vent light staying on and control will not turn it off. Ordering control. Replacing interlock on return visit; ordrng 1 W10810046 (cntrl-elec), dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11244494 INTERLOCK"
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Job Details: 05/29/2019
DISHWASHER JENN AIR JDB9200CWS2 "Replaced rails for broken rails causing upper rack to fall. Ordering adjusters for broken tabs. ; ordrng 2 WPW10546503 (adjuster)s, dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11259785 TRACK and 1 W11259786 TRACK"
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details: 05/29/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFT2776FEZ00 17 degrees in freezer. Found evidence of low charge. Ordering evaporator and drier; ordrng 1 W11116006 (evaporator) and 1 WPW10143759 (dryer)
Near Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Job Details: 05/29/2019
MICROWAVE WHIRLPOOL WMH32519HV3 "Replaced door switched for door error code. Same issue. Cavity light not coming on and door error code when trying to activate. Ordering control. Door switch interlock screw stripped during repair. Ordering screw; ordrng 1 SCREW (PART NUMBER NOT LISTED) and 1 W11342846 (cntrl-elec), dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11244494 INTERLOCK"
Near Avon, NY 14414
Job Details: 05/29/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW4955HW1 Found a crack leak in outer tub causing leak. Ordering outer tub. ; ordrng 1 W10371566 (tub)
Near Rochester, NY 14621
Job Details: 05/29/2019
DRYER AMANA NGD4655EW2 Unit is cycling on and off as it should. Unit testing good.
Near Webster, NY 14580
Dave L
Job Details: 05/29/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT318FZDB02 Ice build up on evaporator inlet indicating a leak or restriction. Replaced evaporator and flushed system. Installed new dye drier. Unit began cooling after install. ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 WPW10143759 DRIER-UV DYE
Near Webster, NY 14580
Dave L
Job Details: 05/29/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF535SWHZ00 The freezer door was not making good contact with the mullion. Raised door for a better seal. Customer to monitor.
Near Rochester, NY 14615
Job Details: 05/29/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW75HEFW0 "Customer concerned about unit not spinning clothes out completely; once water drains and spin cycle initiates, the tub will begin to spin, then slows down repeatedly. No error codes. Seems as if the machine is not level, resulting in low spin speeds. Machine would shake as if it’s not level, then slow down. Attempted to level machine and the vibration reduced significantly. Customer monitor."
Near Webster, NY 14580
Dave L
Job Details: 05/29/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KFIS29BBMS02 Unit is building ice on the freezer bottom due to a clogged drain tube. Cleaned tube and removed ice from the freezer
Near Rochester, NY 14612
Dave L
Job Details: 05/29/2019
DRYER FRIGIDAIRE FASG7073NW0 "Unit will not turn on due to an open high limit. Ordering limiter , thermostat and changed door switch. ; ordrng 1 137116700 (thermostat) and 1 137539200 (limiter)"
Near Macedon, NY 14502
Job Details: 05/29/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG MFC2062FEZ02 Customer stated that freezer light was not coming on. Customer had removed bulb and tested bulb in another socket to confirm bulb was working. Upon inspection discovered that door switch on top of freezer was sticking causing light not to go on. Was able to free switch up. Tested switch multiple times Unit tested good
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Job Details: 05/29/2019
OVEN WHIRLPOOL RBS245 Customer stated that unit was exceeding temperature then shutting itself off. Upon inspection discovered that unit was displaying f3e3 error code. (Oven temp too high) tech sheet calls for ohm reading of temp sensor. Ohmed out sensor. Sensor tested good. If sensor is good tech sheet calls for replacement of main control. Quoted customer for control....WPW10340935 (control ) $ 260.00 Labor $34.95 S&H $ 11.11 Tax $24.48 Customer would like to think about repair as contact office if they would like to proceed. Collecting service call fee for now
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Dave F
Job Details: 05/29/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GS6SHAXKQ01 Replaced ice maker and ice maker optics that read the bin level . Test unit . Tested good . Customer pointed out that the water dispenser is broken where the water comes out into the cup . Ordering new dispenser hose WP4388152; rqstng P&A on 1 WP4388152 (fitting)
Near Canandaigua, NY 14424
Dave F
Job Details: 05/29/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC415EW2 Washer stuck in cycle and full of water . Held cancel button washer cancelled current cycle and drained water . Checked for error codes . None. Calibrated unit . Tested in auto diagnostics. Tested good .; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11307244 LATCH
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 05/29/2019
Near Rochester, NY 14612
Job Details: 05/29/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED8800YW2 "Grinding noise when in use is coming from bearing on blower housing. Blower assembly must be replaced.; ordrng 1 WP8544737 (wheel) and 1 WP8544739 (pulley-mtr) and 1 WPW10256512 (housing), dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 4392067 REPAIR KIT"
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details: 05/29/2019
REFRIGERATOR JENN AIR JFC2089HPY Found the freezer door open on right side. It was pulled out time with right side. Readjusted the door and it is closing properly now. Removed all the frost.
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 05/29/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFF507ESS00 The fresh food evaporator drain was plugged. Removed all the ice and fisshed a water line in the drain and removed obstruction. The drain behind the refrigerator is clear. The refrigerator tested good
Near Rochester, NY 14624
Job Details: 05/29/2019
MW-HOOD COMBO WHIRLPOOL WMH78019HV0 Replaced door locks with interlock kit for open/close door errors. The microwave tested good ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11244490 INTERLOCK
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Dave L
Job Details: 05/29/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRT511SZDW00 Customer concerned with operating noises. Isolated fan noise from compressor noise. Noise is coming from the compressor. Documented with tech line. SR7724950190; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 WP2315539 MOTOR-EVAP
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Dave L
Job Details: 05/29/2019
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FGHB2844LE5 Unit was not defrosting due to a failed defrost thermostat. Replaced thermostat and defrosted the evaporator. Unit tested good. ; used 1 WP4387490 (DEFROST TSTAT 50) from stock
Near Hilton, NY 14468
Dave L
Job Details: 05/29/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF540CWHZ01 Ice maker was very unleveled causing ice problems. Leveled ice maker and shimmed door to line up doors.; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W10884390 ICEMAKER
Near Hilton, NY 14468
Dave L
Job Details: 05/29/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHW3505FW Replaced malfunctioning UI. Unit tested good.
Near Brockport, NY 14420
Dave L
Job Details: 05/29/2019
REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG M9BXXGMYW00 "Unit was leaking from the freezer due to a plugged drain. Cleaned air and ice fro, freezer."
Near Geneva, NY 14456
Dave F
Job Details: 05/29/2019
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRFC704FBS00 Replaced control due to power cord being burnt . Tested unit . Tested good .
Near Lyons, NY 14489
Dave F
Job Details: 05/29/2019
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7040DW0 F5 E3 F5 E2 . Lid lock error codes . Replaced lid lock with W10810403. Calibrated unit and ran in auto diagnostics. Unit tested good .; used 1 W10810403 (LID LOCK ASSY) from stock
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Dave F
Job Details: 05/29/2019
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL KRFC302ESS02 Freezer door not shutting all the way . Used some shims for get the bottom of the T bracket that holds the door on better . Freezer door is now even and is closing as it should . Left brackets with customer.
Near Ontario, NY 14519
Job Details: 05/29/2019
DISHWASHER KITCHENAID KDFE104DSS1 Customer stated unit would not drain. Checked for error codes unit was displaying (8-1) slow drain. Drained remaining water from unit with vacuum inspected pump. Impeller is failing to spin inside pump. Replaced pump Ran diagnostic cycleUnit draining as it should Unit tested good
Near Ontario, NY 14519
Job Details: 05/29/2019
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED4815EW1 Customer stated that unit was producing long dry times. Upon inspection unsee dryer vent test kit to monitor air flow from unit. Unit tested good. Also visually inspected vent vent was clear of lint and debris. Customer stated they have been only using automatic dry setting. Suggesting to customer to run unit on timed dry for better results. Unit Itself tested good
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Job Details: 05/29/2019
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDT730PAHW0 "Replaced motor, unable to test."
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details: 05/29/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC500VW1 "Drain hose was installed too high to the rear edge of the sink, water was spraying above sink height due to clogged drain hose lint trap. Removed lint trap and readjusted hose. Unit testing good."
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 05/29/2019
OVEN KITCHENAID KEBK101BSS00 "Customer stated unit would not power on. Control was unresponsive. Suspecting that thermal fuse had blown during self cleaning. Removed panel to test fuse. Fuse tested open. Replaced fuse. Ran test preheat to 350 degrees. Unit preheated as it should. Unit tested good ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 WPW10545255 FUSE, THERMAL"
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details: 05/28/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MVWX655DW1 "Customer concerned about a knocking noise at the end of spin cycle. No error codes present. Put machine into manual diagnostics and tested the high and low spin speed. Could not recreate any issues. Tech line agent suggests normal operation. However, I put the machine into drain and spin. The machine finally did make a clicking noise as if it was attempting to switch gears. Replacing clutch & actuator.SR: 7724932358; ordrng 1 W10597177 (actuator) and 1 W10721967 (drive pulley)"
Near Scottsville, NY 14546
Job Details: 05/28/2019
WASHER MAYTAG MHW6000XW1 Re-diagnosing machine. Drum hesitates to spin freely both unplugged and plugged in. F6E1 error code. Attempted to start a diagnostics cycle. Door locked (C00). (C02) Cold water valve would spray into tub for a brief second then rest while still in C02 of verification cycle. After about 4 minutes machine then went back to C00 then UI display began flickering. Unit did not complete auto diagnostics cycle. Attempted to exit diagnostics mode. Door Lock did not disengage for about 5 minutes. Senior tech will make a visit to verify.; saved tckt